Used bridge saws

Prezzo: 10.000,00 10000


We offer used - second hand bridge saws. Automatic and CNC. 3 to 6 axes. With lathe and electric spindle. With tilting and rotary table. Spindle rotation and tilt. Disc diameter from 350 to 2000 mm. With tool magazine 5 to 40 positions. Automatic or manual tool change. GAS or ISO connection. Metal or concrete side supports. Donatoni, Gmm, Breton, Simec, Pedrini, Bisso, Cms, Cobalm, Denver, Marchetti, Prussiani, Brembana, Sassomeccanica, Noat, Omag, Terzago, etc. And also the whole range of used equipment for the extraction and processing of granite, marble, stone. From mining and block to any finished product (Italy). Pavel Polyakov

Dettagli specifici

Continente Europa
Nazione Italia
Regione Veneto
Provincia Verona

Dettagli annuncio

ID annuncio 80069
Categoria Fresa a ponte


Resta Sempre Aggiornato

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