HD plasma cut + 3 ossitaglio torches, bench 3000 x 12000 mm

Price: 79.000,00 79000


Plasma cut hd + 3 leather ossitaglio Banco 3000 x 12000 mm plasma hd + 3 gouches ossitaglio cutting water or ossitaglio labor field 3x12 mt cutting system Liea red year 2004 The plasma cutting system is a stable and reliable flame cutting system, which includes all the assemblies necessary for use. The Messer EasyTherm is equipped with a plasma cutting source Kjellberg Fine Focus 280i Neo. In addition, the flame cutting machine has 3 oxytal cutting sources. A extraction table ensures the extraction of the cutting gases produced during plasma cutting and oxitage. The process is complete and provides the following codes: -Soitaab Red PGV line 3-440 -Kiellberg HIFOCUS 280 I Neo -kiellberg Kwe 360 ​​-Kiellberg PGV 3-440 -Kiellberg PBA 440 The cutting system is in excellent condition, connected and visibly Working, PE can be viewed by appointment. Process value 79.000 Central Italy

Specific details

Continent Europe
Nation Italy
Emilia Romagna region
Province of Bologna

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